

I was born in Barcelona, Catalonia in 1973.

Studied illustration and interior design at the Arts and Professions School Pau Gargallo and Llotja avinyo.

Under Demuré pseudonim I was the editor of the monographic comic strip Nadie me quierre (sic) which had big acceptance in the catalonian underground scene and Gallito Comix magazine in México.

I arrived to México in 1998 and integrated myself for a short while to the Taller del Perro, developing later on my career independently, mainly on the illustration field and many different D.F. publications like:
Max, Playboy México, A Diseño, Tecnología Empresarial, Nuevo Inversionista, El Vagón Literario, Entrepeneur and La Revista Médica (MD) among others.

I've collaborated illustrating educational textbooks for the Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mc Millan Heineman, Mc Graw Hill and the SEP as well as books and novels covers from Editorial Morgana, where I were Art Director from 1999 to 2000.

I appeared for consecutive second year at the 9th and 10th edition of the Catálogo de Ilustradores de Publicaciones Infantiles y Juveniles of the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.

In March 2000 I participated with the designer group CREATURAS MUTANTES (sic) making the bill for Circo Raus'CRONOS show and have participated in several proposals for national and international movies colllaborating ocassionally with animation studios.

On comission El Salvador Embassy I designed the bill for their 179th celebration of Central America's independence.

On October 2000 I successfully accomplished my personal project GASEOSA RUDOLF, a concept of simple commercial illustration.

On September 2001 I collaborated with the advertising agency J.Walter Thompson on the creative section doing diverse plastic experiments.

From October 2001 to November 2002 I was illustrator/designer in charge of the cover for UNO MAS UNO newspaper until the company closed down.

Nowadays I collaborate eventually with Día Siete weekly and participate actively along with El Ombligo de la Luna group at INKUBO Magazine doing covers and design, aside from doing diverse personal projects on flash animation.